Trust & Wait Upon the Lord/Universe/Divine Timing/Creator/Spirt/(insert your preferred term), & He Will Make Your Path Straight!
Oh, but how Hard this can be sometimes in our world of instant gratification. A world promoting the consumption of false dopamine, creating a cycle of endless chase. A world addicted to screens, external gratification, and distraction.
Why not just Exit the Rat Race?
If you never stop to LOOK UP, You are going to Miss your Life!
I say to myself daily now, I do not Chase, I Attract.
Peace with Every Step & Breath. Walk as if Your Feet are Kissing the Earth, instead of barreling & pounding ahead. Stop to Savor with your Senses all around you. Inhale the smell of the fall leaves, Feel the breeze on your face, and Enjoy the warmth of the Sun on your skin.
I prefer to stay in my lane, focused on My Goals to Help Others, Live my Purpose & Mission, Live Freely & Simply, Strive to get in the Best shape I can, & Live my Most Authentic Self, so I can Spread the Kingdom.
I Trust & Wait on the Lord. Why? Because, I have learned He Keeps His Promises, even when we fail to Honor ours time and time again. He Is always there patiently waiting for His children to return Home to Him. This is truly LOVE. He never leaves and is always there with open arms.
For the Sparrows do not worry about what they will eat tomorrow, and neither do I. Once you fully Trust & Have Faith, there is no Fear. You can EXIT the Matrix.
It Truly is Simple. Do what He Asks, and He will provide. Drop the Fear. Trust the timing.
All He asks is that we live Kindly, Lovingly, Generously, Simply, & Cleanly (mind, body, & spirit). Respecting all Creatures of His Creation, As Above & So Below. Â
We often quit our goals, because they are not coming fast enough. This then leads to frustration and lower frequency states that catapult upon one another, spiraling into a self-fulfilling prophecy of your fears.
Nature DOES NOT hurry, yet Everything is Accomplished. The same force behind Nature's Creation lives within us. Think about it...Our Hearts have an Innate Pacemaker that generates electricity! That is Pretty Cool!
We have to remember we are Nature. A seed doesn’t go from planted to harvest overnight.
There is so much wisdom gained in the Waiting. He is also refining your character and preparing you physically, mentally, emotionally, & spiritually for what you asked for. I also end my prayer with, This or something Better God. I often say, Thy Will Be Done, reminding myself that is not my will I need to follow, but His.
So today, Remember, sometimes the stars literally have to align before your dreams can manifest. Say to yourself daily, I will Trust & Wait, for the Lord is Working for my Good Always. Let him Line things Up for You.
As long as you keep your promises, He will keep His. I PROMISE! I have lived this!
So remember, when the Inner Child in you becomes impatient and wants to quit and reach for that instant gratification, remember that:
Abraham and Sarah: Waited 25 years for their promised son, Isaac, to be born.Â
Jacob: Waited 14 years to marry his beloved Rachel, due to Laban's trickery.Â
Joseph: Waited 13 years before being released from prison after being betrayed by his brothers and elevated to a position of Power in Egypt.Â
Moses: Waited 40 years before leading the Israelites out of Egypt.Â
David: Waited around 15 years between being anointed as king by Samuel and actually taking the throne.
I remind myself daily, I can Wait God. I Trust You!!!
So Keep Going & Don't Give Up. If you fall, drop the guilt, and get right back on the Horse.
Many Blessings To You Beautiful Souls!
Until Next Time,

The driftless shaman